

Avatars are user or organisation profile pictures. User profiles always use the circular avatar, whereas an organisation would use a square avatar.

		<figure class="avatar">
          <img src="assets/avatar.png" alt="...">
        <figure class="avatar" style="background-image: url('assets/avatar.png');"></figure>
        <figure class="avatar" data-initial="YZ"></figure>
        <figure class="avatar avatar--square">
          <img src="assets/avatar.png" alt="...">
        <figure class="avatar avatar--square" data-initial="YZ"></figure>


Badges can be used to add extra information on certain things, like a number or to indicate that something new has been added. Add the dot class to add the red colour instead of the default grey behaviour.

		<ul class="tab">
          <li class="tab__item active badge" data-badge="5">
            <a href="#">Metadata</a>
          <li class="tab__item badge" data-badge="3">
            <a href="#">Pages</a>
        <button class="btn btn--action badge dot btn--lg"><i class="redeye-location"></i></button>
        <button class="btn btn--action badge dot btn--lg" data-badge="5"><i class="redeye-location"></i></button>


Cards can be used to contain information. Modals also uses cards for its container.


Card Title

Some content in here.


		<div class="card">
          <button class="card__close-button btn btn--action btn--default"><i class="redeye-cross"></i></button>
          <div class="card__header">
            <div class="card__header__icon">
              <figure class="avatar avatar--square avatar--md">
                <img src="assets/avatar.png" alt="...">
            <div class="card__header__content">
              <h2>Card Title</h2>
              <p>Some content in here.</p>
          <div class="divider"></div>
          <div class="card__section">

Adding the modifier card--full-size removes the border and border-radius of the card, as well as any top margins. This is commonly used in the search bar at the top of a page.

		<div class="card card--full-size">
          <h2>Card Title</h2>
          <p>Some content in here.</p>

To make certain sections of a card to be scrollable based on the height of the card, add the modifier card--responsive and for the sections you'd like to be scrollable, add the modifier card__section--responsive.

		<div class="card card--responsive">
          <div class="card__section">
            This is the non-scrollversion
          <div class="card__section card__section--responsive">
            THIS PART CAN SCROLLY Scroll scroll


Dropdowns are used to add extra items to menus, etc.

		<div class="dropdown">
          <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn dropdown__toggle" tabindex="0">Dropdown <i class="redeye-chevron-down"></i></a>
          <ul class="dropdown__menu">
            <li class="dropdown__menu-item"><a href="#">Menu 1</a></li>
            <li class="dropdown__menu-item"><a href="#">Menu 2</a></li>
            <li class="dropdown__menu-item"><a href="#">Menu 3</a></li>

Add the class dropdown--right to the dropdown container to make the flyout be right aligned.

Add the class dropdown--up to the dropdown container to make the flyout appear on top.

Add the class dropdown--up dropdown--right to the dropdown container to make the flyout appear on top right.

To use control the dropdowns using javascript, just add the modifier dropdown--js-open to the container. And to activate it, just add the modifier dropdown--active using js.


Tabs are used as a form of nav for certain things. Add the tab--full-width modifier to set the tabs to go the full-width of the container.

		<ul class="tab">
          <li class="tab__item active">
            <a href="#">Music</a>
          <li class="tab__item">
            <a href="#">Playlists</a>
          <li class="tab__item">
            <a href="#">Radio</a>
          <li class="tab__item">
            <a href="#">Connect</a>


Tiles are repeatable or embeddable information blocks.


The Avengers

Earth's Mightiest Heroes joined forces to take on threats that were too big for any one hero to tackle...


The Avengers

Earth's Mightiest Heroes joined forces to take on threats that were too big for any one hero to tackle...

You can add some modifiers to the tile itself --centered to center all contents vertically, --nowrap to make sure every line of content does not wrap, or --loading to show it as a loading state.

When placing them inside a container with the class tile-list, it adds some extra borders in between the tiles. Add the modifier, --hover to give it a hover state.

		<div class="tile-list">
          <div class="tile">
            <div class="tile__icon">
                <img src="assets/avatar.png" alt="...">
            <div class="tile__content">
              <p class="tile__title">Title</p>
              <p class="tile__subtitle text-gray">...</p>
            <div class="tile__action">
              <button class="btn">Action</button>

Search Results

There are different ways to represent search results. Below are the given lists:

List View

The List view is basically a list tile, with a hover state.

Location 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iure ipsam earum fugit atque dolorem numquam deserunt molestiae quo?

Location 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iure ipsam earum fugit atque dolorem numquam deserunt molestiae quo?

Location 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iure ipsam earum fugit atque dolorem numquam deserunt molestiae quo?

Location 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iure ipsam earum fugit atque dolorem numquam deserunt molestiae quo?

Spreadsheet View

Here is what the spreadhseet view looks like, a standard table view. And you can add a loading state to the row by adding the row--loading class on the tr element.

Name Number File Type Type Revision Sheet Number Status
Piping & Instrumentation 112407-E-0013 S Drawubg C 06 As Built
Piping & Instrumentation 112407-E-0013 S Drawubg C 06 As Built
Piping & Instrumentation 112407-E-0013 S Drawubg C 06 As Built
Piping & Instrumentation 112407-E-0013 S Drawubg C 06 As Built

Grid View

Map View

The map view is basically the list view on the left and a google map object on the right.


Modals are used to display extra information.

Add the class modal--sm or modal--lg to change the size of the modals.

		<div class="modal modal--active">
          <div class="modal__overlay"></div>
          <div class="modal__container">
            <button class="modal__close-button btn btn--action btn--default"><i class="redeye-cross"></i></button>
            <div class="modal__header">
              <h4>This is the header</h4>
            <div class="modal__body">
              <p>Body here</p>
            <div class="modal__footer">
              <button class="btn btn--success">Accept</button>
              <button class="btn btn--link btn--transparent">Close</button>


Alerts are used to display information and provide user options.

The Avengers has requested to connect with your organisation.

Accept Reject
		<div class="tile tile--alert">
          <div class="tile__content">
              <p class="tile__title">The Avengers has requested to connect with your organisation.</p>
              <a class="link--muted">Reject</a>


Toasts are used to display the result of an action performed by the user. e.g. A job is created, an issue was added, etc.

Saved Search Created

This will be displayed on the sidebar.